Day to day social media graphics

Day to day social media graphics

Day to day social media graphics

Instagram rebrand - template graphics

Instagram rebrand - template graphics in Labour/Co-operative colours and logos

Branding for Local Government Conference 2020

Branding for Food Justice Finder digital tool

Branding for live Zoom events

Branding for live Zoom events
Introductory video reel for live online conferences

Branding and assets for Owning the Future report

Branding and assets for Owning the Future report

Branding and assets for Owning the Future report

Branding and assets for Owning the Future report

Branding and assets for Owning the Future report
Owning the Future summary video

Sharer graphics for campaign landing pages

Sharer graphics for campaign landing pages

Sharer graphics for campaign landing pages

Sharer graphics for campaign landing pages

Sharer graphics for campaign landing pages

Animation for Co-op Group affiliation vote, 2020

Animation for Co-op Group affiliation vote, 2020
Animation for Co-op Group affiliation vote, 2020

Spreads for The Pioneer members magazine

Spreads for The Pioneer members magazine

Spreads for The Pioneer members magazine

Spreads for The Pioneer members magazine
Access to Cash Campaign Video
Animation for 2019 election campaign
Policy announcement animation for 2019 election campaign

Posters for 2019 election campaign

Posters for 2019 election campaign

Posters for 2019 election campaign

Posters for 2019 election campaign

Shareable graphics for 2019 election campaign

Shareable graphics for 2019 election campaign

Shareable graphics for 2019 election campaign

Shareable graphics for 2019 election campaign

Shareable graphics for 2019 election campaign

Shareable graphics for 2019 election campaign